Do alcohol and sleep mix?A drink before bed and a good night’s sleep is guaranteed, which is always our goal at night, right? To fall asleep quickly – and stay asleep all night long. You think alcohol – the great stress reliever, a celebratory friend and sleep buddy. But while alcohol can reduce the time it takes for us to doze off, it does anything but guarantee a healthy night’s sleep. And just like that alcohol becomes a frenemy. When we look at the long term impact throughout the evening, this quick journey into slumber can disrupt sleep later in the night. Giving yourself a cocktail coma wakes you from slumber in the middle of the night or too early in the morning, long before your body has had time to go through the restorative sleep process. We’ve all experienced how alcohol can be a trickster, making you believe you have the greatest moves on the dance floor. The same can happen with sleep. Passing out after a night of drinking tricks you into believing you’re getting a better, deeper sleep, but you can often find yourself feeling as if you hardly slept at all. Going to sleep after a night of drinking disrupts the normal sleep process and can cause other side effects too.
Improve sleep qualityNeed to improve sleep quality without reaching for that night cap? There are ways to help yourself get to sleep faster without the use of alcohol and other sleep aids. Keeping some of these in mind can help you avoid the late night or early morning residue alcohol can leave behind.
Alternative nightcapsOne or two standard drinks have minimal effects on sleep, so if you can enjoy a few sips before bed and still wake up refreshed, cheers to you! For those of us that don’t have that luxury, here are a few alternative beverages that can help promote a good night’s sleep. So enjoy a drink on us tonight.