Fiberglass in Mattresses

Fiberglass in Mattresses: Here's Everything You Need to Know

Key TakeAways

  • Fiberglass in Mattresses: Fiberglass, made from fine glass fibers, is commonly used in mattresses as a fire retardant.

  • Health Risks: Exposure to fiberglass can lead to respiratory issues and skin irritation. Inhaling or coming into contact with these fibers can be harmful.

  • Spread of Fibers: If a mattress containing fiberglass is damaged, fibers can become airborne and spread throughout the home, posing a risk to inhabitants.

  • Identifying Fiberglass: Check mattress labels or contact manufacturers to determine if your mattress contains fiberglass.

  • Dealing with Exposure: If exposed to fiberglass, stop using the mattress, clean your home thoroughly, and seek medical advice if necessary.

  • Safer Alternatives: Opt for mattresses that use alternative fire retardants like wool, silica, or fire-resistant fabrics, which are safer than fiberglass.

  • Informed Choices: Be aware of the materials in your mattress and prioritize health and safety alongside comfort and support.

When we think about what makes a good mattress, comfort, support, and durability often come to mind. However, there's another aspect that's equally important but less talked about: the materials used in our mattresses. Specifically, the use of fiberglass in mattresses has become a hot topic due to its potential health risks. This blog delves into what fiberglass is, why it's used in mattresses, and the concerns associated with it.

What is Fiberglass?

Fiberglass, a material made from extremely fine fibers of glass, is known for its strength, durability, and fire-resistant properties. It's commonly used in various industries, including the mattress industry, as a cost-effective fire retardant.

Why Use Fiberglass in Mattresses?

The primary reason for using fiberglass in mattresses is its ability to resist flames. Mattress regulations often require materials that can slow down or prevent the spread of fire, and fiberglass serves this purpose effectively and affordably.

The Hidden Dangers of Fiberglass in Mattresses

While fiberglass is effective as a fire retardant, its potential health risks cannot be overlooked:

1. Respiratory Issues

Inhaling fiberglass particles can irritate the respiratory tract, leading to coughing, wheezing, and other breathing difficulties. Prolonged exposure can exacerbate these symptoms and potentially lead to more serious respiratory problems.

2. Skin Irritation

Fiberglass fibers can cause skin irritation, itching, and rashes. These tiny glass shards can be particularly troublesome if they embed in bedding or clothing.

3. Spread Throughout the Home

If the protective cover of a fiberglass mattress is compromised, these fibers can become airborne and spread throughout your home, contaminating surfaces and fabrics.

Identifying Fiberglass in Your Mattress

To determine if your mattress contains fiberglass, check the label or contact the manufacturer. Mattresses with fiberglass usually include a tag indicating its presence as part of the fire retardant system.

Dealing with Fiberglass Exposure

If you suspect fiberglass exposure:

  • Stop using the mattress immediately to prevent further spread.
  • Clean your home thoroughly to remove any fibers.
  • Consult a healthcare professional if you experience any health issues.

Alternatives to Fiberglass Mattresses

Fortunately, there are alternatives. Many manufacturers now use materials like wool, silica, or specially designed fire-resistant fabrics that don't pose the same risks as fiberglass.

Many mattress brands have opted not to use fiberglass in their products, focusing instead on alternative materials for fire retardancy and other purposes. Here's a list of some well-known brands that typically don't use fiberglass in their mattresses:

  1. Purple: Known for their innovative Hyper-Elastic Polymer, Purple mattresses are designed without fiberglass and offer unique support and comfort.

  2. Casper: Casper mattresses are popular for their comfort and are made without fiberglass, using a fire retardant knit sock made from a proprietary yarn.

  3. Leesa: Leesa mattresses are known for their high-quality foam and hybrid mattresses, which do not contain fiberglass.

  4. Tuft & Needle: This brand is known for its foam mattresses that are fiberglass-free and use a fire barrier made from fabric.

  5. Saatva: Saatva offers luxury innerspring and hybrid mattresses that are free from harmful chemicals and do not contain fiberglass.

  6. Loom & Leaf by Saatva: This is Saatva's memory foam line, which also does not use fiberglass in its mattresses.

  7. Avocado Green Mattress: Avocado mattresses are organic and do not contain fiberglass; they use natural wool as a fire retardant.

  8. Nectar: Nectar mattresses are known for their comfort and do not use fiberglass, opting for different fire retardant materials.

  9. Puffy: Puffy mattresses are designed for comfort and are fiberglass-free, using natural fire retardants.

  10. Amerisleep: They offer a range of memory foam and hybrid mattresses without fiberglass, focusing on eco-friendly materials.


The use of fiberglass in mattresses is a significant concern due to its potential health risks. As consumers, it's crucial to be informed about the materials in our mattresses and opt for safer alternatives. By choosing fiberglass-free mattresses, we can ensure a safer and healthier sleep environment for ourselves and our families.

What is Fiberglass and Why is it Used in Mattresses?

Fiberglass is a material made from extremely fine fibers of glass. It's often used in mattresses as a fire retardant due to its ability to resist flames and its cost-effectiveness.

How Can Fiberglass in Mattresses be Harmful?

Fiberglass can be harmful if the fibers become airborne and are inhaled or come into contact with skin. Inhalation can lead to respiratory issues, while skin contact can cause irritation and rashes.

What are the Signs of Fiberglass Exposure from a Mattress?

Signs of fiberglass exposure include skin irritation, itching, redness, and respiratory issues like coughing and difficulty breathing. If you notice these symptoms and have a fiberglass-containing mattress, it might be the source.

Can Fiberglass Fibers Spread in the Home?

Yes, if the protective cover of a fiberglass mattress is removed or damaged, fiberglass fibers can become airborne and spread throughout the home, sticking to surfaces and fabrics.

How Do I Know if My Mattress Contains Fiberglass?

Check the mattress label or contact the manufacturer. Mattresses containing fiberglass usually have a tag or label stating the materials used, including any fire retardants.

What Should I Do if I'm Exposed to Fiberglass from a Mattress?

If you suspect fiberglass exposure, it's important to avoid further contact. Consider replacing the mattress and thoroughly cleaning your home to remove any fibers. In case of health concerns, consult a healthcare professional.

Are There Alternatives to Fiberglass in Mattresses?

Yes, many mattress manufacturers use alternative fire retardants like wool, silica, or specially designed fire-resistant fabrics that do not pose the same health risks as fiberglass.

How Can I Safely Dispose of a Fiberglass Mattress?

Disposing of a fiberglass mattress should be done carefully to prevent the spread of fibers. Contact local waste management services for guidelines on safe disposal.

Can Children and Pets be Affected by Fiberglass in Mattresses?

Yes, children and pets are also at risk of fiberglass exposure, and due to their smaller size and developing systems, they may be more sensitive to its effects.

How Can I Protect My Family from Fiberglass Exposure in Mattresses?

Choose mattresses that do not contain fiberglass, and always read labels and product information carefully. If you currently have a fiberglass mattress, ensure its protective cover remains intact and undamaged.