How are mattresses cleaned professionally

How Are Mattresses Cleaned Professionally?

Wondering about how mattresses are cleaned professionally? Here's everything you need to know about the process. 

Key Takeaways

  • The cleaning process starts with an inspection to identify specific issues and stains, followed by thorough vacuuming to remove surface dust and debris.
  • Specialized cleaning agents are used for spot and stain treatment, targeting individual stains from fluids like sweat, urine, or blood, and tailored to the mattress material.
  • Steam cleaning is a popular method, using high-temperature steam to kill dust mites, bacteria, and allergens, while loosening and removing dirt and stains.
  • For mattresses unsuitable for water or steam cleaning, a dry cleaning method is applied, involving a dry cleaning solution that breaks down dirt and stains for vacuuming away.
  • After cleaning, mattresses are often treated with deodorizing agents to remove odors and may be sanitized to ensure they are free from bacteria and allergens.
  • Proper drying is crucial to prevent mold or mildew growth, often achieved through high-powered fans or natural ventilation.
  • The process ends with a final inspection to ensure all stains are removed and the mattress is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
  • Professional mattress cleaning extends the life of your mattress and ensures a hygienic sleeping environment, reaching deep into the mattress to remove contaminants that regular cleaning can't.

A good night's sleep is crucial for our health and well-being, and a clean mattress plays a pivotal role in ensuring that. Over time, mattresses can accumulate dust, allergens, sweat, and other contaminants, making professional cleaning a necessity. But how do professionals clean mattresses? This blog explores the intricate process.

1. Initial Inspection and Vacuuming

The first step is always a thorough inspection. Professionals look for specific stains, areas of heavy soiling, or damage. Once the inspection is complete, they use a high-powered vacuum to remove surface dust, dead skin cells, and other debris. This step is crucial for preparing the mattress for deeper cleaning.

2. Spot and Stain Treatment

After vacuuming, specialists address individual stains. Using specific cleaning agents, they treat stains caused by sweat, urine, blood, or other fluids. The choice of cleaning solution depends on the type of stain and the mattress material.

3. Steam Cleaning

One of the most effective methods for deep cleaning a mattress is steam cleaning. This process involves using a high-temperature steam cleaner that kills dust mites, bacteria, and other allergens. The steam also loosens and dissolves dirt and stains, making them easier to remove.

4. Dry Cleaning Method

For mattresses that cannot be cleaned with water or steam, professionals use a dry cleaning method. This involves applying a dry cleaning solution that breaks down dirt and stains, which are then vacuumed away. This method is less common but essential for certain types of mattresses.

5. Deodorizing and Sanitizing

After cleaning, mattresses are often treated with a deodorizing agent to remove any lingering odors. Additionally, sanitizing sprays may be used to ensure the mattress is hygienic and free from bacteria and allergens.

6. Drying Process

Proper drying is critical. Professional cleaners ensure that the mattress is completely dry to prevent mold or mildew growth. This is often achieved through the use of high-powered fans or natural ventilation.

7. Final Inspection

Finally, a last inspection is conducted. Professionals check the mattress to ensure that all stains are removed and that it is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.


Professional mattress cleaning is a detailed and systematic process that extends the life of your mattress and ensures a hygienic sleeping environment. While regular home cleaning is important, professional cleaning reaches deep into the mattress to remove contaminants that regular cleaning can't. Investing in professional mattress cleaning is investing in your health and well-being.

Remember, a clean mattress isn't just about cleanliness; it's about ensuring a healthy and restful sleep. So, don't overlook the importance of professional mattress cleaning in maintaining a healthy home environment.


What does the professional mattress cleaning process involve? 

The process includes inspection, vacuuming, spot and stain treatment, steam or dry cleaning, deodorizing, sanitizing, and a final inspection.

Why is steam cleaning considered effective for mattress cleaning?

Steam cleaning uses high-temperature steam to eradicate dust mites, bacteria, and allergens, while also effectively loosening and removing dirt and stains.

Can all mattresses be steam cleaned?

Not all mattresses are suitable for steam cleaning. For those that aren't, professionals resort to a dry cleaning method.

How are difficult stains like blood and urine treated?

Specific cleaning agents tailored to the stain type and mattress material are employed for tough stains.

Is it necessary to deodorize and sanitize the mattress after cleaning?

Deodorizing helps remove odors, and sanitizing ensures the mattress is free from bacteria and allergens.

How do professionals ensure the mattress is completely dry?

They utilize high-powered fans or natural ventilation to guarantee thorough drying and prevent mold or mildew growth.

What are the benefits of professional mattress cleaning?

Professional cleaning not only extends the mattress's lifespan but also ensures a hygienic sleeping environment, removing deep-seated dirt and allergens that regular cleaning can't reach.