Queen Mattress vs Full XL Mattress

Queen Mattress vs Full XL Mattress

Choosing the Right Size for Your Needs

At LA Mattress Stores, we understand that choosing the right mattress size is crucial for a comfortable and restful sleep. Two popular options to consider are the Queen mattress and the Full XL mattress. To help you make an informed decision, let's compare these two sizes side by side:

Queen Mattress:

  • Dimensions: A Queen mattress measures approximately 60 inches in width and 80 inches in length, providing ample space for couples or individuals who prefer more room to stretch out.
  • Sleeping Capacity: Queen mattresses comfortably accommodate two adults, making them a popular choice for couples or individuals who prefer extra space while sleeping.
  • Versatility: Queen mattresses fit well in most master bedrooms and guest rooms, striking a balance between size and space utilization.
  • Bedding Availability: Queen-sized bedding and accessories are widely available, giving you a range of options to choose from when it comes to sheets, comforters, and mattress protectors.

Full XL Mattress:

  • Dimensions: A Full XL mattress is slightly narrower than a Queen mattress, measuring around 54 inches in width. However, it offers extra length, typically 80 inches, making it suitable for taller individuals or those who appreciate more legroom.
  • Sleeping Capacity: Full XL mattresses can accommodate a single sleeper comfortably, providing ample space for stretching out. They can also accommodate couples who prefer to sleep closer together or individuals who desire additional space.
  • Space-Saving Option: Full XL mattresses are a great choice for smaller bedrooms or guest rooms where space may be limited. They offer a comfortable sleep surface without overwhelming the room.
  • Bedding Availability: While Full XL bedding options may be slightly less abundant compared to Queen-sized bedding, they are still widely available and offer a variety of choices for your personal style and comfort.

Queen Mattress:


  • Spacious: The Queen mattress provides ample room for couples or individuals who prefer more space to move around while sleeping.
  • Versatile: Queen mattresses fit well in most master bedrooms and guest rooms, offering a balance between size and space utilization.
  • Widely Available Bedding: Queen-sized bedding and accessories are readily available, giving you a wide range of options for sheets, comforters, and mattress protectors.
  • Popular Choice: Queen mattresses are a common size, making it easier to find compatible bed frames and accessories.


  • Size Limitation: While spacious, the Queen mattress may still feel a bit tight for couples who prefer significant individual space while sleeping.
  • Space Requirement: Queen mattresses may occupy a larger footprint in smaller bedrooms, limiting available space for other furniture.
  • Bedding Cost: As one of the most popular mattress sizes, bedding and accessories for Queen mattresses can sometimes be priced higher compared to less common sizes.

Full XL Mattress:


  • Extra Length: The Full XL mattress provides additional legroom, making it suitable for taller individuals who require more space for comfortable sleep.
  • Space-Saving: Full XL mattresses are an excellent choice for smaller bedrooms or guest rooms where space is limited, as they offer a comfortable sleep surface without overwhelming the room.
  • Single Sleeper Comfort: Full XL mattresses accommodate single sleepers comfortably, allowing ample space for stretching out.


  • Narrow Width: The Full XL mattress is narrower compared to the Queen mattress, which may feel restrictive for couples who desire more individual space while sleeping.
  • Limited Bedding Options: Full XL bedding options may be slightly less abundant compared to Queen-sized bedding, which can restrict choices for certain styles or designs.
  • Couples' Comfort: While suitable for individual sleepers, couples sharing a Full XL mattress may find the narrower width less spacious for a comfortable sleep experience.

Choosing the Right Size for You:

  • Consider Your Space: Assess the dimensions of your bedroom or the room where the mattress will be placed. Take into account other furniture and walkway space to ensure the mattress size fits comfortably without overcrowding the room.
  • Sleeping Preferences: Evaluate your sleeping habits and preferences. If you sleep alone and value extra legroom, the Full XL mattress may be a suitable choice. However, if you share your bed or prefer more space to move around, the Queen mattress offers a generous sleeping surface.
  • Future Needs: Think about your long-term plans. If you anticipate sharing the bed with a partner or accommodating guests frequently, a Queen mattress provides greater versatility and sleeping capacity.

At LA Mattress Stores, we offer a wide selection of high-quality Queen and Full XL mattresses to suit your individual needs and preferences. Visit us today and let our knowledgeable team assist you in finding the perfect mattress for a rejuvenating night's sleep.