are tempurpedic mattresses good for side sleepers

Are Tempurpedic Mattresses Good for Side Sleepers?

When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, the type of mattress you use plays a crucial role, especially for side sleepers. Side sleeping is one of the most common sleeping positions, but it can also lead to pressure points on the shoulders and hips if the mattress doesn't provide the right support and comfort.

Tempurpedic mattresses, known for their high-quality memory foam, promise to offer a solution for side sleepers. Let's delve into whether these mattresses are indeed a good fit for those who prefer sleeping on their side and highlight some recommended products.

Understanding Tempurpedic Mattresses

Tempurpedic mattresses are celebrated for their pressure-relieving properties, offering a unique blend of comfort and support. Made from viscoelastic foam, or memory foam, these mattresses conform to the body's shape, distributing weight evenly and reducing pressure points. This feature is particularly beneficial for side sleepers who need extra cushioning around their shoulders and hips.

Benefits for Side Sleepers

  1. Pressure Relief: The contouring effect of Tempurpedic mattresses provides excellent pressure relief at critical points, such as the hips and shoulders, which is essential for side sleepers.
  2. Spinal Alignment: These mattresses support the natural curvature of the spine, ensuring proper alignment and reducing the risk of back pain.
  3. Motion Isolation: Tempurpedic mattresses are excellent at absorbing movement. This means if you share the bed, you're less likely to be disturbed by your partner's movements.

Best Tempurpedic Mattresses for Side Sleepers

Here's a list of the best picks in Tempurpedic Mattresses that suit side sleepers. 

  1. Tempur-Pedic Adapt Medium Hybrid Mattress: This mattress combines memory foam with a coil spring system to offer a medium level of firmness, ideal for side sleepers who need both support and softness. The hybrid construction ensures a good balance, providing pressure relief while also maintaining enough responsiveness to make moving around on the bed easier. Take a closer look at this mattress here.

  2. Tempur-Pedic TEMPUR-ProAdapt Medium Mattress: Designed with advanced pressure-relieving material, this mattress adapts to your body, offering a medium level of firmness that's perfect for side sleepers. It's engineered to reduce motion transfer and provide a cooler sleep environment. Check out the ProAdapt Medium Mattress here.

  3. Tempur-Pedic TEMPUR-LuxeAdapt Soft Mattress: If you prefer a softer feel, the LuxeAdapt Soft mattress is an excellent choice. It offers the ultimate level of softness without sacrificing support, making it ideal for side sleepers who enjoy feeling like they're sleeping "in" rather than "on" the mattress. View this mattress here.

Mattress Buying Guide for Side Sleepers

Choosing the right mattress is pivotal for side sleepers, as the wrong choice can lead to discomfort, lack of sleep, and long-term health issues. Here's a guide to help side sleepers find their perfect match.

Understand Your Support Needs

Side sleepers need a mattress that supports the natural curve of their spine, offering sufficient cushioning for the shoulders and hips. A medium to medium-soft mattress is often ideal, as it provides the necessary give to relieve pressure points without sacrificing support.

Assess Firmness Levels

Not all mattresses are created equal, and firmness levels can vary significantly between brands. Side sleepers typically benefit from a mattress on the softer side of the spectrum to ensure that their hips and shoulders can sink in comfortably, promoting proper spinal alignment.

Consider Mattress Type

  • Memory Foam: Offers excellent contouring and pressure relief, ideal for side sleepers.
  • Hybrid: Combines the support of coils with the comfort of foam layers, a versatile option for side sleepers looking for the best of both worlds.
  • Latex: Provides a more responsive feel than memory foam, with natural cooling properties and good support.

Look for Cooling Features

Side sleepers often nestle into their mattress, which can lead to heat retention. Look for mattresses with cooling technologies, such as gel-infused foam, breathable covers, or open-cell construction, to ensure a comfortable sleep temperature.

Read Reviews from Other Side Sleepers

Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into how a mattress performs for side sleepers in real-world scenarios. Look for detailed reviews that address sleeping position, comfort, support, and any changes in sleep quality.

Try Before You Buy

If possible, test mattresses in-store or take advantage of home trial periods offered by many companies. Spending a few minutes on a mattress in a showroom can't replicate a full night's sleep, but a trial period can give you a real sense of whether a mattress is right for you.

Types of Mattresses for Different Sleeping Positions

Sleeping positions significantly influence the type of mattress that will provide the best support and comfort. Here's a breakdown of mattress types alongside the sleeping positions they're best suited for:

1. Memory Foam

  • Best for: Side Sleepers, Combination Sleepers
  • Why: Memory foam mattresses offer excellent pressure relief for the hips and shoulders, crucial for side sleepers. Their adaptability also suits combination sleepers who change positions throughout the night.

2. Latex

  • Best for: Back Sleepers, Eco-conscious Shoppers
  • Why: Provides a balance of support and comfort, maintaining spine alignment for back sleepers. Natural latex options appeal to those looking for environmentally friendly choices.

3. Innerspring

  • Best for: Stomach Sleepers, Those who prefer a firmer feel
  • Why: The coil support system in innerspring mattresses offers a firmer surface, helping to keep the spine aligned for stomach sleepers and those who prefer less sink.

4. Hybrid

  • Best for: All Sleepers, especially those seeking balance
  • Why: Hybrid mattresses combine coils with foam or latex layers, offering a good mix of support and pressure relief, suitable for most sleeping positions.

5. Adjustable

  • Best for: Sleepers with specific needs (e.g., snoring, acid reflux)
  • Why: Adjustable beds can be modified for elevation, reducing snoring or discomfort from acid reflux, offering tailored comfort.

Summary Table

Mattress Type Best for Sleeping Positions Key Benefits
Memory Foam Side, Combination Pressure relief, adapts to body
Latex Back, Eco-conscious Supportive, eco-friendly
Innerspring Stomach, Firmness Prefers Firm support, less sink
Hybrid All Sleepers Balanced support and comfort
Adjustable Specific Needs Tailored comfort, adjustable positions

This concise guide and table should help you understand the best mattress types for various sleeping positions, ensuring a more comfortable and supportive night's sleep.


Q: Can side sleepers use a firm mattress?

A: While some side sleepers may prefer a firm mattress, most benefit from a medium to soft firmness to allow for adequate cushioning at pressure points.

Q: How often should side sleepers replace their mattress?

A: On average, mattresses should be replaced every 7-10 years. However, listen to your body; if you start experiencing discomfort or poor sleep quality, it may be time for a new mattress.

Q: Are pillow-top mattresses good for side sleepers?

A: Yes, many side sleepers find the extra layer of cushioning on pillow-top mattresses provides added comfort and pressure relief.

Q: What pillow should side sleepers use with a Tempurpedic mattress?

A: Look for a pillow that supports the neck and head without lifting them too high. Tempurpedic offers pillows specifically designed for side sleepers, ensuring proper alignment.

Q: Can a mattress topper help make a firm mattress more comfortable for a side sleeper?

A: Yes, a soft mattress topper can add a layer of cushioning that can make a firm mattress feel more comfortable for side sleepers.

Q: Do Tempurpedic mattresses require a special foundation?

A: Tempurpedic mattresses perform best on a solid, stable foundation. A Tempurpedic base, platform bed, or a sturdy, traditional frame with a box spring can provide the necessary support.

Q: How do I care for my Tempurpedic mattress to ensure it lasts?

A: Rotate your mattress periodically, use a mattress protector to guard against spills and stains, and follow the manufacturer's cleaning guidelines to keep your mattress in top condition.

By considering these aspects and questions, side sleepers can better navigate the complexities of mattress shopping to find a bed that provides the comfort, support, and durability needed for a restful night's sleep.


For side sleepers, finding the right mattress is key to a restful sleep and waking up without aches and pains. Tempurpedic mattresses, with their superior pressure relief, spinal alignment, and motion isolation properties, are undoubtedly a great choice for side sleepers. Whether you prefer a medium, medium-hybrid, or a soft mattress, Tempurpedic offers options that cater to various needs and preferences. By choosing one of the recommended mattresses, side sleepers can look forward to enjoying a comfortable and supportive night's sleep.