Is Your OCD (Obsessive Coffee Disorder) Healthy? If you love coffee as much as naps… Since we’re such good friends, we have a secret to share. You might want to sit down… We love coffee like we love breathing and live by the philosophy that all you need to be happy is love, a nap and a beautiful cup of coffee. You too? According to researchers at John Hopkins Medicine, more than 80% of Americans down at least one 6oz cup of java daily for its caffeine (the most commonly used mood-altering drug in the world), which contains approx. 100mg of caffeine. “Studies show 30mg or less of caffeine can alter mood and affect behavior and 100mg per day can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms upon abstinence.” In other words, we all have OCD – Obsessive Coffee Disorder. Do you drink coffee because of the adrenaline jolt or because you simple love the taste? Do drink it black, double doubled or as a skinny latte? Regardless of how or why you drink coffee, it comes with a slew of health risks – sleep disruption and the jitters to name a few. But it also has some pretty sweet perks. Coffee’s benefits include enhanced memory, increased energy for working out at the gym and even decreased risk of diseases like Parkinson’s and Type 2 Diabetes. But wait, is our coffee addiction good or bad for us?You’re not alone if you’re confused about whether your morning cuppa joe is a help or hindrance. While researchers (mostly) give it a thumbs up, high consumption of boiled coffee or espresso still comes with some long-term health risks, especially if you’re predisposed to heart disease. And don’t forget, coffee is void of the nutrients milk and juice contain so you might be trading a healthy choice for a caffeine fix. If you add cream or sugar to your coffee, it can also be a calorie trap. Some commercial coffee drinks contain more than 500 calories. Relax, we’re not suggesting you ditch your favorite house brew in favor of a glass of OJ. Whether you call it coffee, café, java, how your coffee is brewed is as important as the size of your mug. One study showed that a 16-ounce cup of the house blend at Starbucks had an average of 259 milligrams of caffeine compared with only 143 milligrams in the same-sized cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts. Try these 3 tricks to make your coffee healthier:
How to cut back on coffeeIf your OCD is affecting your health, your doctor may suggest limiting your coffee intake. Don’t worry, you can do this. Instead of going cold turkey, use the tips below to create a roadmap to safer coffee consumption – with minimal withdrawal symptoms.
We all have our vices and there’s nothing wrong with coffee – as long as it’s not affecting your health. If your coffee addiction has the better of you, it’s time to get serious and take back control. |